Data Driven Series – Human factor as barrier in Data Driven culture transformation

Understanding the relevance of information analysis can change the company’s scenario. Perceiving the value of having consistent information, analytical and decision making capacity are key aspects for companies to be aware of their actual moment, their main bottlenecks, and how to adopt measures to improve their results.   

The analytical culture is becoming increasingly necessary, either with solutions that make available information, or in the development of teams for them to obtain higher capacity to analyze information.  

This is a very important moment for the market, considering that companies have evolved to better decisions that promote stability and higher growth potential.

However, in this moment of transition and awareness of new possibilities, the market faces a model where decision making is based on the employee experience and intuition, and a history without much depth, and without wealth of information, which favors situations where choices are less assertive and don’t generate the expected results. 

In the absence of clear information to guide the path to the desired results, the future of companies is often based on the human factor, which, naturally, may fail, due to the limitations of human analytical capacity.

Why does the human factor influence the success of Data-Driven Culture adoption?

For a company to evolve in Data-Driven culture, some priority aspects should be developed:

  • Data structuring: it’s about data centralization, organization and storage; 
  • Visual solutions: tools that show information visually for leaders and teams to follow the areas performance or future trends, and be able to make decisions to improve results;
  • Development of teams: preparation of support teams and leaders for them to understand the importance of information analyses, methods and interactions with the new culture. 

It’s quite common to observe in the market companies adopting initiatives to become more analytical, and when they invest thinking of the results that should return over time, they get frustrated and many of them question the efficacy of solutions, without noticing that the people involved in the process are key for success.  

As happens with any tool or technology used in an operation, the human factor is a key element in the process. We can exemplify with the acquisition of software to manage customers in a given commercial area, where the objective is the collection and administration of information, and better management of customers and business opportunities.   In this scenario, if salespeople don’t use the tool to include new opportunities or updated advances with customers, the tool becomes obsolete and naturally loses management and can’t have a clear view of results and insights that could favor the area.  

Since in this scenario, for the success of data initiatives, it is also important that they are all engaged and involved, adopting the behavior of seeking information in the solutions developed, and using patterns like “always do the same”, “use intuition to make decisions” and “follow past experiences”.

Data generated by the company itself, structured and converted into analytical information can reveal big bottlenecks that are not naturally perceived by humans.

Once solutions that start to demonstrate more clearly the scenarios are implemented, the role of teams is to seek in them basis for daily routine, and the main benefit of managements is to be able to analyze, quickly, clearly, and safely, what is shown, and define new strategic ways to foster better results.

By uniting the pillars of correct Data Structuring, and targeted and personalized solutions for each company and team prepared to receive this information, the Data-Driven culture journey starts to be built and a more intelligent company, with better results and advanced performance, starts to grow over time.

Results like reduction in millionaire losses with logistic processes, customer churn from the commercial area, increase in sales, or optimization of manufacturing processes are only some of the benefits obtained with the adoption of correct methodologies.

Is a person with analytical profile the only solution?

We know that in the process of hiring there is plurality with regard to profiles of professionals in the market, and teams are made up with different personalities, which is strategically positive. The variety of personalities is seen with good eyes by expert consultants and leaders, because they understand that there is complementation and higher coverage of capacities in the areas.

But, when we think of incorporating Data-Driven Culture, which depends much more on the analyses made by people, and not all in the team will necessarily have this profile, what to do? 

Many companies that envision higher reach of analytical power and with it results have sought to invest simultaneously in Journey of Development of employees through programs that promote the culture of analysis and concepts of data, which range from basic to advanced, to keep their teams and, at the same time, use data as safe and single source in decision making.  

Developing the capacity to analyze and working with data and information to find solutions are the main objectives.

Aspects like curiosity, not always natural for all, are worked. Through this aspect, the person seeks detailed understanding through information and better reflects on the actions.  

Attention to details, organization, focus, and assertiveness are other important characteristics that in the course of these development programs are worked in the background.

Finally, people can acquire analytical capacity by learning and start to act according to facts rather than intuition to minimize risks. 

Receptivity of teams to Development Programs 

In interview with Eduardo Brandão, Data Scientist at Dojo Technology, he highlights that, according to his immersion experience in different teams of several companies, analytical maturity is still very low, but, most of the times, employees recognize the importance of developing their own knowledge of data analysis, whether for the development of the company where they work, or for their own careers, since the market has increasingly looked for this profile.

Eduardo teaches classes of Data Literacy, program for clients, and in the last year, around 600 people participated in the program. He mentions that, due to the simplicity of terms, most questions are targeted to artificial intelligence and pre-made tools. He adds:  

“It’s interesting because in data journey artificial intelligence is one of the last steps, so we have  an entire work to retake the attention to the beginning, to questions and data available.”

Considering the plurality of profiles and maturity in the theme, if we think of technology teams or business hubs, it is relevant to have themes adapted to the audiences.

“In the Data Literacy program, we pass on concepts and real examples with focus on providing the necessary tools for participants to identify opportunities of projects in their work environment and also work on projects with data. Classes are adapted to the students’ profiles, either technology or business teams”, says Eduardo.

At the end of the program, Eduardo notices significant improvement in terms of knowledge, initiatives, and engagement of teams, he emphasizes: “Maturity of questions improves, and people start to migrate from generic questions to questions applied to reality, showing reflection on opportunities in their environment.” 

With the association of the Data theme to the reality where they are inserted, it is possible to observe that there is gain in maturity, main factor for the implementation of solutions in the areas.   Moreover, even being a learnt capacity, one can notice involvement and validation of participants: “In satisfaction survey conducted at the end of each application, we always obtained grades 4 and 5, on average, in 0 to 5 scale, for all classes. With regard to feedbacks from leaders, we also obtained excellent return.”  

We can see that there is a desire and opening of market professionals and companies in general in the acceptance of the theme. With the growing escalation of market data, several cases of success are observed, more information is shared, and companies increasingly understand the latent need to seek this path and transform their operations.

In this regard, when the ideal partner to build this journey is found, the need of education of the whole internal network is also revealed for absorption of this new moment and better use of transformations.

We can consider that an efficient program of training in data is the one that speaks the language of the teams, connects with each reality, and seeks to provide much more than complex information, provides the necessary information in an easy way to make possible to have each person involved in the process questioning more in their routine the different demands that arrive, start to be more curious to understand the motivating aspects of something that worked very well, or that did not obtain the expected result, and, finally, through the answers’ data can make more assertive decisions.

These are some of the incentives provided by Dojo Technology Data Literacy Program, which seeks to make easier the construction of this journey, deliver the expected results, and obtain full satisfaction of their customers in each delivery.

Dojo Technology

Dojo Technology

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